The Name CORPORATION refers to the fact that people and companies are legally equals. In some way, society takes the human being’s individuality away and turns it into a “not thinking” mass that is exposed and the victim is the individual itself, indeed the collectivity comes over the individuality. This phenomenon was manifested during the industrial revolution, when corporations and companies were created for the first time and got to the point of becoming into a sort of a living body in huge proportions that influences all means where the individual is present.
During 19th century, The Corporation emerges as a legal person. It emerges as a person involved in a selfish interest that grew through the next hundred years to the point of having ascendancy with no measure or precedents.
It is impossible not to recognize the important role that companies play nowadays in a globalized era, they are essential part of the new world and have served to the world populations through the years, but it is evident that they are using this condition as a tool to exploit laborers, violate and even manipulate environmental regulations and putting themselves in a position over the man, justifying purely economic and financial aims, including power, demonstrating a lack of any moral awareness and leaving behind the welfare or social servic
e that is supposed to come from their main activity.
The financial crisis is an evident example of the exploitation in the name of a law subject, a social being that is invisible to our eyes but touchable to people’s hands, feeling every bunch coming from it actions; companies and corporations take the individual not as a creator but as a slave, dispossessing it from its needs and making it deliver an average production that becomes almost impossible coming from a person, turning it into a cold tool and with no necessities. Men have built the corporation because they needed to grow, but this corporation is destroying them.
Nowadays, corporations are as big a many governments around the world and all the power has been canalized to submit the human being in many aspects, going from cultural to social and economic aspects.
The objective of the enterprise became into the possibility of finding a new subject to blame on, and not a flesh or bone subject, but a subject that represents the wildest side of the human being: The Corporation, that became in an animal, with no boundaries and that can violate, steal, manipulate and assassinate without feeling any kind of blame or responsibility, leaving the man essence behind that ironically became in its own victim.