Virtual teams are gaining day by day more attention and more business today are using this type of team work because is a way of improving the members of the work group by choosing people from all around the world with different skills, abilities, knowledge and experiences.
A virtual team is a group of people that work together on the same work of expertise from different spaces and ethnics who rely on technology to communicate, specially virtual teams software which are Synchronous (communicate in real time) and Asynchronous (the opposite).
They are used today because of globalization, mergers, alliances, acquisitions and emerging markets.
Some advantages are:
- Better communication specially in asynchronous type of communicate because there is no pressure of responding immediately and it can be better thought.
- Reduces cost of infrastructure and the maintainability of the business.
- Work with a higher number of members with different background and take the best advantages of it will increase productivity.
- The team can work from their own space.
Some disadvantages are:
- No face-to-face communication with the different members.
- No getting to know your team.
- Working in different time zones can affect the availability of others.
- By working with members with different cultural background, messages and work attitudes can be misread or misunderstood.